The One Essential Mineral For Nerve Growth
Researchers have found magnesium supplements have actually aided in regrowing damaged nerve cells.
They performed scientific tests where mice were split into three groups and fed low, normal or high-magnesium diets.
The mice given food with magnesium supplements displayed marked improvement in
- neurobehavioral abilities
- electrophysiological functions
- enhanced signs of nerve regeneration
- reduced deposits of inflammatory cells
- less Schwann cell loss (the material that insulates nerve fibers)
Listen also to the story of Dr. Herbert Mansmann Jr. who was a diabetic with severe peripheral neuropathy.
He was able to reverse the neuropathy and nerve degeneration with a year of using oral magnesium preparations at very high doses.
“For example it took me 6 tabs of each of the following every 4 hours, Maginex, MgOxide, Mag-Tab SR and Magonate to get in positive Mg balance.
I tell people this not to scare them, but to illustrate how much I needed to saturate myself. Most will only need 10% of this amount (still about three grams).
I was doing an experiment on myself to see if it helped my diabetic neuropathy.
It worked so I did it for one year, and I have had significant nerve regeneration.”
Besides taking magnesium supplements orally, a heavenly massage with magnesium oil can supply the body with the needed amount of the mineral by absorbing it through the skin.
Most people do not even know they are magnesium deficient until the shocking facts about how our foods are robbed of magnesium and much of what we eat can delete our bodies’ supply of this vital mineral.
Some of the causes are:
- Lack of magnesium-rich foods, such as dark green vegetables, peas, beans, nuts, seeds, halibut, scallops, oysters and tofu in our diets
- Drinking, purified mineral-free water from bottles
- Some diuretics lower magnesium levels
- The antibiotic pentamidine removes magnesium via the urinary system
- Alcohol in large quantities causes a scarcity of magnesium in the body
- Even excessive amounts of fluoride will deplete this mineral
It’s no wonder that the modern eating and medication lifestyle can lead the body into a magnesium-starved condition.
Finally a Japanese study on 1990 hinted that low calcium/magnesium intake with excess amounts of aluminum and manganese are associated with the incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Two Japanese reports of ALS showed significantly higher concentrations of aluminum in the CNS and in 6 other cases of ALS patients compared with 5 neurologically normal people, it was found that aluminum concentrations in the precentral gyrus, internal capsule, crus cerebri and spinal cord were significantly higher in the ALS patients compared to the controls.
Meanwhile magnesium concentrations in 26 central nervous system regions were markedly reduced in the ALS cases and the calcium/magnesium ratios were significantly increased in ALS patients.
I recently had a spinal fusion. There was a lot of nerve damage. Will magnesium help me