Do you know if your pain can be caused by peripheral neuropathy? An article titled “How Bad Can Peripheral Neuropathy Get?” lists some warning signs of neuropathic pain.

One can feel numbness or paresthesias (the feelings of pinpricks or tingles’) but also aching pains. People who have advanced peripheral neuropathy sometimes not only have those feelings, but also feelings of burning pain. Sounds scary, and in fact, it is. There are even cases where patients have such acute cases of peripheral neuropathy that they don’t notice open sores or cuts on their feet.

In Reader’s Digest “4 Natural Remedies to Try If You’re Experiencing Peripheral Neuropathy“describes what the pain feels like.

Peripheral neuropathy symptoms can seem scary, painful, and difficult to deal with. They include numbness and a prickling or tingling sensation in your feet or hands, which can spread to the legs and arms. Other signs are sharp, throbbing, freezing or burning pain, extreme sensitivity to touch, weakness, and a lack of coordination that can lead to falls.

The article cautions about the possible severe side effects of medications, such as Neurontin (gabapentin), Lyrica (pregabalin) and Cymbalta (duloxetine) commonly prescribed as a first-line treatment options. After a thorough consultation with a physician, the article suggests the following gentler alternatives for coping only with the symptoms.

  1. Capsaicin
  2. Water Aerobics
  3. Acupuncture
  4. Wraps

The items above will not cure the disease, but may provide temporary relief. Keep your physician informed about your current state at all times to prevent any further deterioration of the disease.

The following description gives a brief summary of this perplexing condition.

Neuropathic pain does not start abruptly or resolve quickly; it is a chronic condition which leads to persistent pain symptoms. For many patients, the intensity of their symptoms can wax and wane throughout the day. Although neuropathic pain is thought to be associated with peripheral nerve problems, such as neuropathy caused by diabetes or spinal stenosis, injuries to the brain or spinal cord can also lead to chronic neuropathic pain.

For further details continue reading here.

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