Category: Journals

  • Virus-Induced Neuropathy

    Recent dramatic study highlights the fact that some neuropathies can be caused by viruses. In this case the virus is known as Dinocampus coccinellae paralysis virus (DcPV), which is a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus unique to insects. The virus creates a “zombie ladybug” by inducing a neuropathy that spreads to the ladybug’s entire nervous system and paralyzing…

  • Neuropathic Pain Treatment

    European scientists at the Pain Evaluation and Treatment Centre of Hôpital Ambroise Paré, evaluated several medications for neuropathic pain in an article partially titled “Pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain in adults”. While research reports and findings are peer-reviewed for scientific correctness, the director of the center, Dr.Nadine Attal, finds certain biases creep into the picture. For…

  • Review of Capsaicin

    The claims of capsaicin to relieve diabetic neuropathy pain has been reviewed in a recent paper on capsicum (capsaicin) by Krishnapura Srinivasan. Published in the Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, capsicum, which is the pungent alkaloid of red pepper (Capsicum annuum), has been used for centuries due its pain-relieving abilities. Dr. Srinivasan concluded capsaicin has…